The Benefits of Learning Something New

When was the last time you tried something for the first time? Chances are it has been weeks, months or even years. Some of us love to experiment and engage with new ideas, however for the vast majority, we tend to go through everyday life with the same rituals and routines.

I have made a determined effort to teach myself something that I have always wanted to learn. Last year it was juggling, I’m not ready to run away and join the circus but I can keep three balls consistently in the air. This takes tremendous concentration and focus. I keep my juggling balls at the office and find it’s a great way to break the routine and stress of the day.  This year I’ve decided to tackle painting with acrylics and after a few classes and you tube lessons I am very proud of my art. Being creatures of habit may be comforting, but we often forget how much fun it can be to develop a new skill. As well as igniting your life with a bit of fun, passion and excitement, here are some other important benefits of learning something new.

Sense of Accomplishment

Do you remember how good it felt the first time you rode a bike without the training wheels? Forced yourself to go the gym and complete a good workout? Maybe you taught yourself how to play the guitar? Achieving something for the very first time gives us a massive sense of achievement, boosts our pride and can keep us smiling for days on end. This amazing feeling is what you are missing out on when you get stuck in the same old habits so why not take a pottery class, join a golf league or give that activity you have been talking about for years a go?

Better Time Management Skills

Do you think you’re too busy to add a new hobby into your already hectic life? Think again. Adding something new to your daily or weekly schedule is proven to sharpen your perception of time and time management. In fact, many time management gurus recommend this technique because in order to do the thing you want to do, you will value your time more and use it better. For those of you who use the excuse that you don’t have enough time in your schedule, chances are that you do, but there is nothing new to push you to organize yourself better.

Meet New People

Joining a club, organization or taking up a new hobby ensures that you are bound to meet new people. Even better, chances are that you are likely to have similar taste in things which paves the way to great new friendships. Meeting new people also gives you access to new views and ideas and best of all, you are sure to meet some interesting characters along the way.

Personal Growth

Learning something new gives you opportunity to grow and improve yourself. When you push yourself, you will find that you will grow in many other aspects of your life, and you never know, you may even discover a hidden talent you never knew you had. Whether it’s joining a sports club, art class or helping to raise money for charity, the possibilities are endless when it comes to trying something new so what are you waiting for?

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