Why you should support small and local businesses.

For the last few years, a change in the way we shop has come about. More and more people are shopping on line and at big-box retailers. But there are many benefits to supporting the small shops and local businesses. Besides staying in your town for all your shopping needs, there are more reasons to shop local.

1. Know the people behind the product/brand

It’s always nice building a personal connection with the people behind what you’re buying or the service they offer. It can help build a better and more prosperous business all the while helping the customer satisfy their needs that an on line store may not be able too.

2. Better customer service/more personalized

Many large corporations cannot help you at a face-to-face level. There is the endless on-hold, dealing with a manager, call-centre, etc. and the needs of a customer is put on the back burner in comparison to what else the company is dealing with. When you shop local, you are directly talking to someone in store who knows the business and can try and solve your concern right on the spot. You feel taken care of and that your business truly matters.

3. Makes an economic impact

When you shop and support local small business those dollars spent stay local– enriching the whole community.

4. Keeps your community unique

It gives your community/town a flare like no other. It’s nice to be able to walk down your street to your favourite local print shop that you know is like no other.

5. Create a sense of community

You’re much more likely to get to know a small business owner in your neighborhood then you are at large retail store or on-line store. This creates a welcoming environment, a strong personal relationship you wouldn’t get elsewhere, and new friendships and bonds can be formed.

So the next time you need, business cards, brochures, signs, banners or invitations don’t go on line and place your order come in and see us at Planet Print.

Contact us today for a quote.

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